In Zoology, a territory is an area that an animal considers its own. Not only that, the animal defends
that area or territory against intruders, especially of the same species.
In commerce, a territory is a region or district that an agent covers. The area is assigned to a sales
representative to function and make sales for the company he or she represents.
Coming down to us as young
people who are on campuses, lives in communities, works in organizations and
worships in churches or fellowships, we want you to know that you are occupying
a territory wherever you are. Drawing from the definition of territory in the
commerce sense, we can deduce that we are agents of our Master (Jesus) where we
are right now. Now, the question is, are we in control of that territory. Have
we fully occupied that territory? If Yes, good; if No, why?
I will not forget in a hurry the
story of a lady who gained admission into one of the higher institutions in
Nigeria. As she stepped into one of the classrooms, she decreed that she would
emerge as the best student in that class and it was so. With a dint of hard
work and God on her side, she turned off the intruders of failure and
distractions and occupied that territory.
As a representative of the
Master, are you a force to reckon with where you are? How outstanding are you
among your peers in the class or office. How good are you on that job? I
remember the story of one of my loved ones who went to United Kingdom for his
Masters degrees. On getting there, he was unable to get a part time job on
time. A very smart guy who is sound academically, he did not waste time in
occupying that area.
According to him, once he
realized that his classmates did not have a firm grip on what was being taught
in class, (but he did) he told them he would organize tutorial classes for them
on those difficult subjects, but they would pay him. They agreed to what he
said and that was his first job in UK. Again this man occupied his territory by
wading off lukewarmness and self-pity.
What are you doing in that
office or school? Occupying or just folding your hands and doing nothing. Being
idle will not take you far, especially if you cross your legs only to wait for
a perfect situation. Remember the story of talents in Matthew 25? The man who
collected one talent buried it and when His Master returned there was no profit
to show forth. Even what he was given was taken from him. We must take over as
young people.
Please get me right. We
are not talking of carrying guns, bows, arrows and detonating bombs like
terrorists who are wasting lives and properties. Taking over territories is about
being a positive influence and a force to reckon with. As a youth mentor
teenagers; as a teen mentor pre-teens and occupy them with positive things
which can bring changes.
I once shared my
experience at the female toilet of the Faculty of Social Science, University of
Ibadan with us in this column; kindly permit me to mention it again. Immediately
you enter the well kept toilet and find your way into the rest room with the
door neatly closed, your eyes cannot miss the writings on the door such as, ‘Abstinence
is the way out of AIDS’ ‘are you born again’ ‘Jesus loves you’ ‘it’s good to be
a virgin’ etc. Do you know what those who wrote those things did? They took
over that area of jurisdiction before anyone whose heart is not regenerated
would come and write rubbish and nonsense at the back of that door.
You know what? Only
smart and strong people take over territories. I mean people whose eyes are
opened to see what ordinary eyes would not see and those who are alert to
discern between good and evil. It’s time to take over positively.
Kindly expect the second part of this article
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