A smile, which ought to be one of the most familiar expressions on our faces, is ironically one of the scarce commodities around. One often wonders why this is so? On the other hand, there is a feeling that, it is because we do not know the importance of a smile; that is why, some of us go around as if we are the only ones carrying the burdens of the whole world.
Theodore Roosevelt became the President of United States of America when the country was going through a terrible economic downturn popularly called “Great Depression.” Despite this uncalled for event, Roosevelt’s cheerful manner and broad smile inspired hope as millions of people tuned in to hear his reassuring voice on a radio broadcast called fireside chats. That simply is the work of a smile for you. It inspires hope, even in the midst of a seemingly hopeless situation. Remember that you are young with so many pleasant and unpleasant situations before you; if there is one thing you need to help you carry on, in order to arrive safely at your destination, it is hope, and a smile will help you in that area too.
I don’t know if you have ever given a thought to why, the Mona Lisa, painted by Italian artist, Leonardo da Vinci has attracted so much attention. According to research, the woman’s mysterious smile has made the painting one of the most famous pieces of art in the world. See how Leonardo has blurred the edges of her mouth to give her the hint of a smile. This mysterious smile has fascinated people for centuries. She seems almost alive. That is another major secret of a smile, it gives life. When you meet someone and the first expression on his/her face is a warm smile, then you know there is life in the person. At least, there is something in that fellow that keeps him/her going despite all the demands around. Can a dead man smile? So while you are in this body of clay, give a smile to let all know that you have life in you.
Do you know that in Social Communication, anyone who does not smile, even if it is a child, is believed to have a problem? Do you have one? If your answer is No, then put on a smile. Many of us carry needless weights that drive even the slightest smile away from our mouths. You know what, “There is no problem, except you see it as one.” Surprised? That was what God told me some years ago which I have found out to be very true.
The Duke of Venice, in William Shakespeare’s book, Othello, Act 1, Scene 3, said,
“The robb'd that smiles, steals something from the thief.” Smile is an antidote for sorrow, loss, pain and even anger. So, when someone wants to steal your joy, instead of being annoyed, you can give a smile; immediately that is done, you have taken away the battle from your opponent and won because you smiled. When you lose something you think is precious to you, a smile will help you to see beyond what is lost; at least, you are still alive and there is every tendency that you can get something better. So, give a smile and disarm your enemy.
Have you ever wondered why some people don’t smile? Well, it is probably because, some of us still have grudges neatly tucked in our hearts. For some of us, it is our inability to forgive coupled with bitterness; while some are very good at keeping unnecessary accounts of wrongs. As long as we have one or all of the above, a genuine smile becomes very difficult.
For those who are impious or vindictive, King Solomon said, “a wicked man hardneth his face” why don’t you let go and allow God to fight for you instead of always mapping out strategies of how you will pull someone down or retaliate for the ill done to your grandfather!
Well, for those of us who are young, and are full of life, we must always wear a genuine smile, in order to keep high blood pressure and anxiety away from us; let us always give a smile. Remember, only a joyful heart makes a cheerful face… (Prov. 15:13; NASV). Now, if Jesus is in your heart, then, there is joy there, so, give a smile.